In today’s world, as a direct result of the Affordable Care
Act, all people have some kind of health insurance. That means that many more
people than ever before are getting the health care that they need. It also
means, however, that the health care market is changing in big ways. Doctors
and other health care professionals have to relearn how to work with their
patients and their wide array of varied health insurance providers. And, in
that same way, collection agencies have to find new ways to work with the new
and diverse clients who owe money on their health insurance bills.
The fact of the matter is that while health insurance helps
more people to get the medical assistance they need, it also means that people
with financial challenges are getting health care. Typically, they are required
to pay some kind of deductible, and, when this deductible is not paid upfront,
there is the potential for unpaid medical debt to become a problem. For debt
collectors, collecting on this type of debt can be tricky and difficult, but by
following a few simple tips, the process can become easier for everyone
To begin with, debt collectors who are attempting to collect on medical debt should be extra sensitive to their clients. It’s important to
remember that these clients didn’t go out and finance some fancy car they
didn’t need or buy frivolous items. They simply got the care they needed to
remain healthy. As such, their debt is a bit more understandable than most
other types of consumer debt and should be treated that way. These means debt
collectors will typically fare better by lending a sympathetic ear and being
willing to arrange payment plans and alternative options to help these debtors
pay off their medical costs.
Furthermore, it’s important to understand that such clients
might not actually have the means to pay off their debts. Their illness or
other medical struggles may have caused them to lose their jobs or to have to
resign from their positions. When that is the case, it is important to have a list
of resources and other options available to help these clients to find ways to
meet their financial demands. Of course, none of this is possible without an
understanding medical firm behind it all, so debt collectors will have the best
success if they choose to work with understanding and reasonable medical firms-
firms that will not just be understanding with the clients but that will also
understand if collections success rates are lower than average.
It’s basically a whole new frontier in the health care
field, and everyone, from doctors and other practitioners to insurance
companies and collection agencies is attempting to navigate it. The best
advice, though, is for collection agencies to be patient with themselves
throughout this process and, when possible, patient with the consumers they
deal with as well.
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